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4 Tips To Stylishly Decorate Your Home With Older Furnishings

Whether you love antiques or happen to have access to older, cost-effective pieces of furniture, it is possible to decorate your home in a way that feels trendy and unified using old-fashioned furnishings. Achieving this good result, however, requires a bit of planning. Consider four ways to make your intergenerational interior design work beautifully.

1. Make Any Necessary Repairs

Just because an item is an antique doesn’t mean it has to show its age. It’s a good idea to address any problem spots on your furniture before starting to use them so the issue does not become worse. For instance, seek out professional rug repair Portland if your old-fashioned rug has loose threads or tears.

2. Add a Fresh Coat of Paint

If a wooden piece of furniture has scratches or fading patches on its surface, you may wish to refinish it. Try sanding down the whole surface and adding new stain or paint. Depending on the color of paint you choose, you may be able to tie an antique into your existing color scheme.

3. Don’t Be Afraid To Mix and Match

Remember that interior design isn’t about buying sets of furniture where every piece matches or is closely coordinated with the others. A bit of variety adds interest to your decorative style. Consider placing items of very different generations all together in the same room.

4. Place Your Favorites Front and Center

Finally, don’t feel as though older furnishings should be placed in the background so as to not call too much attention to themselves. On the contrary, antiques are often unique and eyecatching and may make great centerpieces in various rooms.

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Decorating your home elegantly doesn’t have to entail dropping a lot of cash at a nearby furniture store. Consider how recycled, old-fashioned, or handed-down pieces could become assets to your bedroom, living room, or kitchen.

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