
Road Guide Signs – Enhancing Road Safety and Efficiency for All Drivers

Road guide signs provide a wide range of information to keep drivers safe and informed. They may warn of a curve, school zone or other roadway conditions that could lead to accidents. These warning signs are usually yellow and have black symbols or inscriptions on a diamond-shaped sign. They are also used in situations that require temporary warnings, such as road closures or avalanche warnings.

Road Guide Signs

Conventional guide signs Washington identify and point motorists toward specific roadway locations. For example, a pentagon-shaped sign signifies a school zone where you must slow down and watch for children crossing the road. A warning-shaped symbol alerts you of a steep, curvy road ahead with a recommended speed limit of 25 mph. Highway and expressway guide signs are green with white letters or numbers and display information like route number, direction, distances and proper exit points. These are posted at every mile marker and the freeway’s upcoming entry and exit points. Generally, the shape and color of these road signs are standardized by federal regulations outlined in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and its companion volume, Standard Highway Signs. 

Directional Signs

Directional signs are the foundation of wayfinding signage – orienting oneself in a physical environment and determining the best route to reach a destination. They can be indoor or outdoor and may feature maps, diagrams, directional arrows, and text in clear, concise messaging. Efficient traffic flow requires a clear visual guide for drivers to maintain their position on the road and avoid collisions. Lane markings, dividers, and barriers all help to demarcate lanes to keep traffic moving in the correct direction. Similarly, wayfinding signage guides pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists. These are typically found in large facilities like airports and hospitals and help to direct them to specific areas such as terminals or wards. They often have a common design to make them easier to identify for people familiar with the facility. Simple, legible fonts, high contrast colors and straightforward language can ensure the message is understood.

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Pedestrian Crossing Signs

Pedestrian crossing signs alert drivers that a pedestrian is at a designated crosswalk location. They are commonly posted at busy pedestrian crossing points on wide or high-speed roads to prepare drivers to slow down or stop for a pedestrian. They are typically a black design on a yellow background. Rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFBs) are also available to draw additional attention to the pedestrian warning signal at marked and unmarked pedestrian crossing locations. They are set with a timer to flash only during crossing times. They can be pedestrian-activated by an automatic detector or push button to display only when pedestrians are present. In-street yield and stop signs are also available to improve visibility on low-speed, two-lane roads. They can be mounted on a portable base to move them in and out of the roadway as needed. They are often paired with school advance and directional arrows to improve visibility near schools.

Parking Signs

Without the guidance offered by parking signs, traffic chaos would ensue on many highways. These directional placards are necessary for drivers to know how fast they can drive, whether or not there is a particular destination on the horizon, and if there are any obstacles in their path. Road guide signs are also used to inform motorists about intersecting roads and show points of interest along the route, such as hospitals, service stations, restaurants, and motels. These types of guides are usually green with white letters and numbers. On highways, one advance sign is followed by another, and a final sign is posted at the exit. You can also find a range of options for no parking signs that clearly define restrictions and are available in a wide range of sizes and materials to suit your needs. Some of these signs display time restrictions, while others are permanent. You can also find temporary regulatory signs in orange for use in construction zones.

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